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Are videos created on Pictory copyright free?
Are videos created on Pictory copyright free?

Our library has copyright-free stock visuals from Storyblocks and Getty Images, with royalty-free background music tracks from Melodie.

Mmekobong Silas avatar
Written by Mmekobong Silas
Updated over a year ago

Are videos created on Pictory copyright free?

Yes. The images, videos, and music in Pictory's library are available for our users to download and reproduce, per our agreements with Storyblocks, Getty Images, and Melodie.

Are your stock visuals free to use?

The stock visuals (images and videos) in our visuals library are provided by Storyblocks and Getty Images. These libraries offer a vast array of high-quality images and videos, and our licensing agreements with them allow our users to take advantage of these visuals without worrying about copyright infringement. They are also royalty-free, meaning that once you download them (by downloading your video), you have the right to use them in your projects without the need for additional payments or running the risk of future copyright infringement.

Are the background music tracks free to use?

We source all of our background audio from Melodie, a trusted provider of copyright-free music. These high-quality tracks come with usage rights that allow you to add them to your videos without risking copyright violation.

Why was my video flagged for copyright infringement?

In an attempt to prevent the spread of unauthorized copyrighted material, many platforms have implemented automated copyright detection systems. Unfortunately, these systems often mistakenly flag content that does not violate any regulations. If a video you made using visuals and audio from Pictory is flagged for copyright issues, follow the steps here to have it resolved.

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