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How to cancel the free trial?
How to cancel the free trial?

How to cancel/unsubscribe from the free trial and remove your credit card data from the platform.

Mmekobong Silas avatar
Written by Mmekobong Silas
Updated over a week ago

Thank you for signing up with Pictory! We want to assure you that if you provided your credit card details during the sign-up process, there won't be any charges, even after your 14-day free trial ends.

Your card will only be charged if you choose to manually subscribe to one of our paid plans.

After the 14-day free trial period, if you don't subscribe to a paid plan, you won't be able to access your account.

However, your data will be securely stored on the platform for an additional 14 days. During this extended period, you can still subscribe to one of our paid plans to retain access to your data.

In summary, enjoy your 14-day free trial with Pictory! If you decide not to subscribe to a paid plan, you won't be charged without your consent.

Precisely 28 days after sign-up, your personal and credit card data will be automatically deleted and removed from the platform.

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