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Frequently Asked Questions — Teams Plan
Frequently Asked Questions — Teams Plan
Mmekobong Silas avatar
Written by Mmekobong Silas
Updated over 11 months ago

Creating a team

  • How many teams can I create?

Currently, a single user can only create one team on Pictory, however, there is no limit to how many teams you can join.

  • What if my team members don't have Pictory accounts?

That's fine. Your team members don't have to be Pictory users at the time of the invite. They will however be prompted to sign up for an account on Pictory to accept the invitation and join your team.

  • How many people can I invite to a team?

Team admins can invite a maximum of 20 users to a team.

Roles and statuses

  • What is the difference between deleting a team member and deactivating their status?

When a user is deleted from a team, they lose all access to the team and would need to be added and invited again to join the team. (vs) When a user's status on the team is deactivated, they also lose access to the team but they can be reinstated to the team by toggling on their status to active, You don't have to send an invite to restore a deactivated user's access to the team.

  • What is the difference between a team owner and a team admin?

A team owner is the user who created the team while other users on the team are members. The team owner can add and delete users on the team, deactivate and reactivate team members, and also change the role of users on the team from member to admin and back to member. So in essence a team owner picks the team admin.

The team admin is another team member appointed by the team owner, who can add and delete users on the team, deactivate and reactivate users on the team and also change the status of users on the team from member to admin and back to member. Team admins and team owners have similar responsibilities. However, one distinct difference between the two roles is that the team owner is also the only user in the group who can purchase a plan for the group.

Collaborating in the team's workspace

  • Can my team members access my projects?

You can share your projects with your team members if you want them to have access to it for collaboration purposes. But they won't have access to whatever you don't share, even if they are created on the team's workspace.

  • Can multiple users work synchronously on a single project?

Yes! Multiple users on the same team will be able to work on the same project synchronously. However, to ensure team members are working on the latest version of a project, we will let you know when another team member has made changes to the project and you will be prompted to refresh the page to see the newest version of the project with the changes.

  • Who can share a project on the team's workspace?

Any user on a team can share a project with any other team member. However, you can only share your projects as you won't be allowed to share projects other team members shared with you.

  • Can I share a project with users outside of my team?

No, inter-workspace sharing isn't allowed. You can only share projects with users within your particular team.

  • Can I delete a shared project?

Only the owner of a project can delete a project or revoke a team member's access to the project.

Purchasing Teams plan

  • Who can purchase a plan on the team?

Only team owners (the user who created the group) can purchase a plan for the team.

  • Do I get all the premium features on Teams Plan?

Yes, all the premium features are available on the team's plan as well.

  • How is project quota allocated within a team?

Every video generated and downloaded by users within the team counts towards the quota. Regardless of if this project is shared with the rest of the team or not.

  • What if I have more members on my team than my plan covers?

If you have more members on your team than your plan covers, the last users to join the team will be deactivated from the plan. However, you can always change the status of a team member as an admin to include or exclude them from the plan, while staying within the member limit of your subscription.

  • Will the subscription on my personal workspace affect my team's workspace?

No. Your personal workspace and your team's workspace are 2 separate entities and your subscription to either one does not affect the other. For instance, if your quota or subscription expires in your personal workspace but your team's subscription or project quota is still running, you will still be able to log in to your team's workspace and continue to create videos as normal, though your access to your personal workspace to create videos will be restricted.

Project Quota and Renewal

  • What happens when I exhaust my free trial quota?​

You are allocated a 3-video quota on a free trial. Once you have exhausted this quota, you will need to subscribe to one of our paid plans to download more videos. You will however still be able to access your projects although you will not be able to download them.

  • Can I roll over the unused video quota at the end of the month?

No. You can't roll over unused data at the end of the month, be sure to use up your quota before they expire.

  • When will my project quota be renewed?

Your project quota is renewed on the 1st of every month and this is independent of the billing cycle. So, for instance, if your subscription expires on the 16th of the month, this will not affect your quota which will not be renewed until the 1st.

  • Can I cancel my plan?

Yes. You can cancel anytime from your 'My accounts' page. The cancellation will only take effect at the end of your current billing cycle and you will lose your access to your projects and videos once your subscription expires and you do not resubscribe.

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