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Storyboard Essentials
Storyboard Essentials
How to adjust the duration of a scene?
How to disable voice-over on a scene?
How to add elements to a video?
How can I mute my uploaded video and replace the voice over with an AI Voice?
Why does my estimated video duration keep changing?
Why don't I see that many Getty visuals?
Why can't I hear the audio preview for background and voiceovers?
How to trim background video clips?
How to create videos in HD 1080p resolution?
How to select/change the video aspect ratio?
How to delete a scene?
How to insert or add new scene?
How to turn off the captions when you start with a video?
How to reorder video scenes?
How to apply text box changes to all scenes?
How to change the position of text on your video?
How to add a Shadow background to your text?
How to hide captions on the video?
How to reformat videos (16:9 to 1:1 or 9:16)?
How to add or delete a scene?
How do I edit transition? All about transitions
How to Highlight or Unhighlight words or the Storyboard?
How to enable and position full width text on your video?
What to do when you cannot hear applied voice over on Intro and Outro scenes?
How to make the text background transparent?
How to edit a style and save it?
How to apply different styles to different scenes in the video?
Adjusting Scenes and Scene Visuals
Adjusting Styles
Scene Navigation
How to change the video format and resolution?
How to link and unlink scenes?
How to Edit/Add Text on your video?
What does linking scenes mean?
Why use color overlay?
How to customize your text animations
How to apply and remove text animations
How to apply animations across multiple text boxes on multiple scenes
How to access and use old animations
How to apply and remove the color overlay on videos
How to apply the color overlay on multiple visuals and scenes
How to add a new color to the options for color overlay
Dos and Don’ts for Applying Text Animations
How to copy-paste and duplicate scenes